When you are going uphill the force going against you increases, you use more energy to go against it in order to attain a balance.
When you are going down slope the force that were going against you now is now moving along with you, yet again you don't just 'run' down the slope, you try to use some force to act in the opposite direction.
These are meant to explain physics theory but to show how people usually counter such situations.
When you have a number of carriers to carry, you do not just carry all in your right or left hand but you split them proportionately to your left and right.
It is definitely a human instinct to want to strike a balance in everything we do.
On my part, nothing is balanced.
I'm still waiting for a day to break free.
Sometimes I really think god hates me so much to put me through such life in such a geographical location, to not have how a mother should be like, to not have how a father should be like, to not have parents who are supposedly closest to me yet least or nearly do not understand me.
If I had a child, I could guarantee the best that I could give, but no I'm not having one.
God hates me so much that I don't have just one but two parents who aren't loving and understanding at all.
God hates me so much to make me have 'strangled-parents'.
There's nothing I hope than to waking up to a new life.
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